Blood orange marmalade in an earthenware pot without bitterness


Blood orange marmalade in an earthenware pot without bitterness






One kilogram of blood oranges

One liter or four cups of water

Two cups of sugar

citric acid a quarter of a teaspoon

Orange peel a teaspoon

Gelatin one tablespoon

Orange juice (removable) one-third of a cup




Due to its thickness, the earthenware pot transfers heat more gently to the ingredients and due to its glaze, it helps to improve the quality of our jam.


We need a teaspoon of orange peel, so grate some orange peel.


One kilogram of oranges is needed. We have to peel the oranges. Then we fillet them and for this we need to separate the white skin of the orange. Cut the white skin of the orange and separate it.


Pour four cups of water into a bowl and add a third of a cup of orange juice and a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid. Then pour two cups of sugar in it and wait for the sugar to dissolve. When the sugar is dissolved, pour the oranges into the pot and then add the grated orange peel and let it boil.


When it boils, reduce the heat and let the oranges cook on low heat for two hours. After two hours, put lid of  pot and let the marmalade cook for another half an hour. Putting  lid of pan in the last half hour of cooking marmalade helps to make it more glassy and beautiful.



5 minutes before turning off the marmalade, mix a tablespoon of gelatin and cold water and put it on steam to dissolve the gelatin. Add it to the marmalade and mix.



The marmalade is ready, let it cool and then transfer it to a glass or closed container and put it in the refrigerator.

Tip: Gelatin helps improve marmalade texture.


Tip 2: Do not allow the marmalade to harden on heat as it will harden after refrigeration.



